Ugly Thoughts
Ugly Words
Ugly Motives
Ugly Actions
Advent Sermon Series:
Ugly Christmas Sweater – Jesus Makes Us Beautiful Again
November 28 - December 19
Ugly Thoughts
Ugly Words
Ugly Motives
Ugly Actions
Ugly Thoughts (November 28)
Scriptures: Philippians 4:4-8; Luke 2:8-11
Opening Thought: The war of life is fought in the battlefield of the mind. The things we do are first thoughts we think. We are wired for negativity, but God can rewire us for thoughts of joy. When we allow God to work within us, and when we choose to focus on good things, Christmas will be merry and bright.
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Ugly Words (December 5)
Scriptures: James 3:3-12; Luke 3:7-18
Opening Thought: Spending time with friends and family during the Christmas season can too often result in us saying things that we regret. Tensions can run high, and if we’re not careful to tame our tongues, we can find ourselves hurting those we love with our ugly words. If we call ourselves Christians, we should be careful to choose words to communicate love, especially during the holidays.
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Ugly Motives (December 12)
Scriptures: Philippians 2:1-4; Matthew 6:1-18
Opening Thought: Every person is motivated to act by specific things in life. The question is, what is your motivation? Sometimes we are searching for praise from people when we should be seeking praise from God only. With healthy motives, we become people who live a healthy life.
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Ugly Actions (December 19)
Scriptures: Colossians 3:12-17; John 4:8-12; John 3:16-17
Opening Thought: All of life as a Christian is about living in a way that honors Jesus. Many people miss this and live day-to-day only thinking of themselves. Christmas is all about God’s selfless action to come to earth and rescue His people. In response to His generosity, we must make choices to bless others and make Jesus known by the actions we take.
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